Ecodesign &
Energy Labelling
In order to create a favorable political environment and support the PV manufacturing industry in Europe, the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) initiated a working group on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling.
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling
As the European Commission is considering introducing environmental policies for PV and other markets, ESMC promotes a specific position aiming at mandatory policies rather than voluntary schemes, with a preference for a strong Ecodesign scheme. The inclusion of CO2-footprint, in addition to other environmental requirements, is a key success for ESMC, and we actively follow the development, both in an internal working group and in collaboration with partner organizations.
Following the JRC preparatory study, ESMC initiated a Joint Mission Group under ETIP-PV to join forces with Solar Power Europe, PV Thin and IECRE (IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Renewable Energy Applications) to engage in the policy development process and provide expert input.
The work of the Joint Mission Group is structured in 4 working groups:
- WG I – Ecodesign PV Modules
- WG II – Ecodesign Inverters
- WG III – Energy Label
- WG IV – Sustainability Criteria
The concrete objective of this Joint Mission Group was to produce an Expert Input Paper with a common position towards the European Commission in the initiative of setting up sustainable product policy instruments (criteria development of the EC policies). This paper was issued in march 2021, see below.
Working group publications
Jens Holm
ESMC Policy Director
For more information:
Expert Input Paper
Expert input paper – Ecodesign and energy labelling for photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems in the EU