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To foster an ethical political environment and address worker exploitation in the PV manufacturing industry, the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) established a working group focused on eliminating forced labour and promoting a socially sustainable supply chain.

ESMC Working Group on Sustainable Solar PV Supply Chains

Social sustainability is crucial in the solar PV industry due to its far-reaching implications for both people and the planet. Fair labour conditions at every stage of the value chain, worldwide, are a cornerstone of ESMC’s efforts in this area. Ensuring equitable and safe working conditions globally not only upholds human rights but also fosters industry growth by attracting a skilled and motivated workforce. It mitigates exploitation, reduces inequality, and empowers communities.

By championing fair labour conditions, the European solar PV industry not only drives sustainable energy adoption but also sets a powerful example for responsible global commerce.

In an exclusive ESMC-member Working Group dedicated to fostering social sustainability within the solar PV supply chain, ESMC members convene to discuss these critical issues. Together, they collaboratively craft guidelines and pledge to actively combat unfair practices and exploitation while exercising meticulous due diligence throughout the value chains.

If you’re interested in participating in this working group, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Meanwhile, we encourage you to explore our recent initiatives and insights related to this important topic.

Latest working group publication

Jens Holm
ESMC Sustainability Policy Director

For more information:

ESMC Position Paper against Forced Labour

ESMC has taken a clear position against forced labour in the solar PV supply chain. The position paper strongly condemns forced labour in all forms ESMC commits to work actively against it.

Download PDF
21 Sep 2023

Other deliveries from this working group

Implementation of the NZIA – Recommendations for resilience, sustainability, and social criteria

After the adoption of the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), we expect the European Union to introduce resilience and sustainability criteria aimed at stimulating increased manufacturing of solar PV within Europe, aligning with the targets outlined in the EU Solar Energy Strategy, the European Solar Charter and the broader European climate and energy objectives.

Read the report
17 May 2024

Non-recommendation of the Solar Stewardship Initiative

During our Annual General Meeting in March, we deliberated on the Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI) and collectively decided not to endorse ESMC members’ participation in it in its current form. Find the  statement which explains the rationale behind this decision.

Read the statement
9 April 2024

Letter: We Demand a Robust Forced Labour Regulation

Read letter
11 Jan 2024

Letter: Ahead of Working Party meeting on forced labour (COM 2022 453)

Read letter
19 Dec 2023

One pager: Ahead of interinstitutional negotiations on forced labour (COM 2022 453) –
We need the forced labour regulation now

Read statement
13 Nov 2023

Statement: ESMC supports the actions of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on forced labour in PV industry

Read statement
17 Oct 2023

ESMC Webinar on Combating Forced Labour Within the Solar Supply Chain

See recording
26 Sep 2023

Swedish OpEd: Don’t Let China Dump Its Unethical Solar Panels in Europe – ESMC & Midsummer

Go to article
4 Sep 2023

Press release: ESMC appoints a Sustainability Policy Director

Read press release
13 Feb 2023

Statement: ESMC Statement against Forced Labour

Read statement
15 Jan 2021