On July 23rd, the European Commission published its decision to maintain the anti-subsidy countervailing duties on imports of solar glass from China. The expiry review of the measures, that was initiated in May 2019, has concluded that “Based on the information available concerning the Union interest, there are no compelling reasons against the maintenance of the definitive countervailing measures on imports of solar glass originating in the PRC”.
The ESMC had taken official position in the review process with a balanced approach, aiming at preserving an essential solar PV glass industry in Europe to avoid a major gap in the material provision while protecting the interests of PV module manufacturers. The current solution illustrates the dilemma: no taxes will lead, quoting members of the ESMC-board, to an end of European Solar Glass manufacturing. On the other side, the taxes punish European Module producers, since there is no tax on the glass part of non-European Modules. A tricky topic that demands a wise solution. More info, quoting ESMC:
The whole decision can be found here;
EU maintains anti-subsidy countervailing duties on imports of solar glass from China