ESMC Co-chair Eicke Weber together with ESMC Secretary General Andre Langwost met BDEW CEO Kerstin Andreae and team. BDEW is clearly in favour of a higher use of Solar PV, more detailed publications are to come!
In the meantime, BDEW published the results of 1st half 2020 of Energy consumption in Germany: 1st time ever with 50,2 % came from renewables. More to come!
“The energy industry is in the starting blocks to invest in the urgently needed expansion of renewable energies. To do so, they need reliable framework conditions. The German government should therefore submit a draft for a comprehensive amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act as soon as possible. The EEG reform must translate the 65 percent target into concrete, technology-specific expansion paths. At the same time, it must pave the way for the accelerated and guaranteed expansion of renewable energies.” Says CEO Kerstin Andreae.
High level gathering in Berlin with German BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Industries)