India and the visionary approach of Prime Minister Modi: towards Solar PV should inspire Europe:
Prime Minister Modi: “Not just for the present, solar energy will be a medium of energy needs of the 21st century because solar power is sure, pure and secure”

Germany Energy Policy:
Berlin based Tagesspiegel headlined on 8th of September: “Full speed ahead towards the past”
Germany: Hans-Josef Fell, one of the fathers of the Renewable Energy Act from 2020 asks for an ambitious proposal of the ongoing German Renewable Energy Act: 26 GW additional Solar PV in Germany: Annually!
The current draft of the new act is largely insufficient and lacks completely a future minded energy vision: Who might be able to help the German government? Minister Altmaier with the Maths? If you shut down your nuclear power plants – the Agreement between the German Energy Industry and the Government of Chancellor Schroeder celebrated as well 20 y in June- and if you have to close your Coal power plants you need much more renewables! 5 GW Solar PV and +/- 1 GW offshore wind will not do the job. Especially if you want to opt for a “Green” Hydro plan! BEE, the German renewable association is more realistic and suggests doubling to 10 GW: 5 GW in the segment up to 1000 kWp plus 5 GW for large scale PV as of 1000 kWp.
The new act in the current draft version makes it more complicated to push renewables and bring in new barriers for local – distributed – decentralised energy systems with local funding. The backbone of the German Energy Transformation, the citizens with their local, but as well national Energy cooperatives, receive systematically additional demands to push them out of the market in favour of the big Energy players.
In an earlier article Fell analyses the situation since 2020: Renewables doubled in Germany since 2000 every 7 years, predicting 100 % Renewable Energy Germany for 2030!