The Joint Initiative to promote Solar Manufacturing in Brussels

The first event took place this 8th of July the Solar Manufacturing Accelerator(SoMA), the joint initiative by ETIP-PV, SolarPower Europe (SPE), IPVF (Solar Europe Now), VDMA and ESMC, initiated by SPE brought together an important number of Industry-ready European Initiatives. Important and very positive statements by high level stake holders like Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy of Luxemburg, who made clear that Solar PV is an important “strategic asset for Europe”, Žygimantas Vaičiūnas, Minister for Energy of the Republic of Lithuania gave an enthusiastic introduction to the topic as well Minister Andreas Pinkwart from so far Coal dominated North Rhine Westphalia inviting PV industry to his region. Barbara Botos, Deputy Minister of State for Climate Policy, Republic of Hungary presented the important this month upcoming call for PV proposals and the willingness of the Hungarian Government to go for Solar PV. Piotr Czopek, from the Ministry of Climate, Republic of Poland called Poland a future Key player of PV. It also highlighted that manufacturing in Europe still needs support from policymakers and will require more than good will to go back to the levels it occupied 10 years ago.
More to come in a dedicated press release.