“If you please − draw me a sheep!”
Says the little prince in 2nd chapter of the wonderful book by Saint Exupery.
If you remember well this story and if you read it again, long time after we probably all had do read it in school you might be surprised how much it can teach us: The aviator that tries to draw a sheep and fails all the time in the eyes of the (young) Little Prince. The Little Prince, Greta, our children and grandchildren cannot be satisfied with the “Energy policy-sheep” that current politicians draw, mainly influenced by powerful lobby groups that like to maintain the status quo.
There are solutions, smart groups and scientists and now even Fossil industry like BP and Total understand we need to change, because it’s better business and because we have no choice and that is no Mission impossible.
The recent weeks made almost all of us very clear we need to speed up increase in invest in renewables of about five times is needed if we want to come only close to what is demanded by the Paris agreements.
The fear in so many countries that jobs will be lost becomes obsolete since the more and more jobs in renewables are to come.
What we need now is more people who dare. Politicians, businessmen but as well investors and pension funds. Invest locally and help us to draw together the sheep that is needed and that is wished by the Little prince:
Still in a box, so let us dream and work together on that it’s good looking and don’t forget: The Sun is backing us!!

Sunny regards,
Andre Langwost,
Secretary General
European Solar Manufacturing Council