Priorities are tripling the speed for creating new solar and wind energy and a “To meet Europe’s increased renewable energy targets it is essential to boost solar manufacturing capacity in the EU. According to the European solar industry the total needed investment for developing 6 GW-scale manufacturing projects between now and 2022 is at least one billion euros. The strategic investment facility could support cost-competitive financing solutions to invest in new PV manufacturing projects. “
“A green infrastructure fund for renewables to fund solar in the South (…) to address the remaining investment and financing gap in the power sector (144 billion euros), the budget should include a green infrastructure fund for renewables with a specific focus on solar PV in Southern Europe (…). The fund would be administrated by the EIB and receive 10 billion euros annually for two years mainly to finance loans with a medium to high leverage factor”.
ESMC hopes the EIB will read it 😉
New paper from Agora Energiewende: “Recovering better” – More Solar and “European Solar Manufacturing” as an Industry Sector Flagship