The new module production line from Energyra was inaugurated in Zaandam, The Netherlands last Thursday, September 3rd 2020. The first line will be producing 140MW of back contact panels. They will be starting production by the end of the year with MWT Cells. Zebra (IBC) modules are expected to follow starting the first quarter of 2021. The fab should also be ramping up with a second line in 2021. They also have expansion plans in different locations, aiming for 1 GW in production.
Energyra forms part of the IconIQ consortium with parties like TNO, ISC and DSM, among others. The unveiling of the PV module was done by Gaëtan Masson, Managing Director of Becquerel Institute and co-chair of ESMC. Daniël Kuijk, Energyra’s CEO, reminded us that a strong cooperation is required in the European PV ecosystem. Radovan Kopecek, from ISC (Germany), shared some insights showing how the opening of this line is the first step towards the setting of a 5GW+ production in Europe by the Green Fab consortium.
One new plan more for European large-scale production – IconIQ-Greenfab