Intersolar trade show online event 14th and 15th July EventJuly 9th, 2020 Intersolar trade show online event 14th and 15th July
No lost Battle! European Solar is the answer ! July 9th, 2020Word of the Secretary General No lost Battle! European Solar is the answer !
Position on European Commission’s Preparatory study for solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems, considering Ecodesign, Energy Label, EU Ecolabel, EU Green Public Procurement. Non classé Position on European Commission’s Preparatory study for solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems, considering Ecodesign, Energy Label, EU Ecolabel, EU Green Public Procurement.
Neue EU-Kommissionspräsidentin verspricht „Green Deal für Europa“ bis Anfang 2020 Non classé Neue EU-Kommissionspräsidentin verspricht „Green Deal für Europa“ bis Anfang 2020
European Solar Manufacturing Council chooses Eicke Weber as chairman Non classé European Solar Manufacturing Council chooses Eicke Weber as chairman
The solar industry promotes Industry 4.S – with “s” for sustainability! Non classé The solar industry promotes Industry 4.S – with “s” for sustainability!
SolarPower Europe swings to aid manufacturing in EU after MIP victory; December 2018 Non classé SolarPower Europe swings to aid manufacturing in EU after MIP victory; December 2018
DE/ Hersteller und Forschungseinrichtungen gründen eigene Allianz in Europa, PV Magazine, 24th September, 2018 Non classé DE/ Hersteller und Forschungseinrichtungen gründen eigene Allianz in Europa, PV Magazine, 24th September, 2018