Here you’ll find the latest press releases from ESMC. To get in contact with any of the chairmen of the ESMC board or ask for comments on the latest press release:
In the scope of the matchmaking events organised by PV Impact to foster collaboration on PV R&I projects, a project from AURINKA PV Group on PV modules repair and recycling won the prize of the best initiative during a specific session on Manufacturing Technologies.
In an initiative from the H2020 PV Impact project, Photowatt is giving access to their infrastructure to third parties for testing manufacturability of processes.
The recent tender in Portugal could raise eyebrows: with 0,01114 EUR/kWh, it has broken all barriers. But the most competitive PV installations in Europe cannot reach such a LCOE level.
In the latest ESMC discussions, included the Solar Industry Forum’s last session on 9th of September almost all panellists of the European Solar Renaissance Talk claimed easier access to finance.
CO2-concentration in the atmosphere reached a new high level: 410 to 414 ppm. If we want to keep the line for 1,5 degree for 2100 we need to reduce carbon emissions by 7 % - every year!
Sleepwalking, side-stepping or frontrunning? A part of the Bruegel Annual Meeting was VP Timmermans’ talk about the Green Deal, he’s in charge of. VP Timmermans gave a typical example of the lack of vision for Solar by the current statements of the EU-Commission officials.
The 4th edition of the Solar Industry Forum that took place this Wednesday 9th of September showed again the increased dynamism of European PV manufacturers.