Here you’ll find the latest press releases from ESMC. To get in contact with any of the chairmen of the ESMC board or ask for comments on the latest press release:
Dear friends of European Solar Manufacturing! In troubling times, with worries about the health and jobs for a lot of citizens we should do the maths. Back in 1992 the word of “It’s the Economy, stupid” became a key element of Bill Clinton's campaign to win the American presidency. But…
Intersolar trade show will do a 2 days online event 14th and 15th JulyProgram: trade show goes Virtual: Several times postponed now life with an interesting Online on the 14th and 15th July Program with several energy and digitalisation topics: Future minded like the real show in Hannover:
The EU Innovation Fund – large-scale call has just started: It is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies
Two documents on the EU energy strategy, published July 8th focusing on “Green hydro” and “off-shore-wind” almost only. It seems that Solar is a lost battle for the EU-Commission, although it should be a key player!
German Coal Phase out: Too late too expensive: last week’s decision by German Government to phase out Coal by 2038 largely insufficient and as many critics state largely overpaid
Measuring is key: ESMC participated at World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)2nd Climate and Energy Benchmark: measures and ranks the world’s 50 most influential electric utilities companies on their transition to a low-carbon economy.
The European Parliament’s Regional Affairs Committee on the EU’s proposed €40 billion Just Transition Fund (JTF) Plan the inclusion of “natural” (=fossil) gas can be a crucial element for Coal areas, but heavy support of the Fossil gas cannot be the solution.
Pascal Canfin interview: EU must apply green finance taxonomy:“The taxonomy classifies technologies in three categories: 1) “green” technologies such as renewable energies, 2) those “enabling” the transition and 3) so-called “transition” technologies.
Bloomberg BNEF understands much better that Solar is a key solution: In partnership with European Commission Coal Regions in Transition Platform, released together an in-depth analysis on Bulgaria, Czechia, Poland and Romania, showing how current market conditions and existing policies can accelerate the transition away from coal to cleaner, more affordable…