Here you’ll find the latest press releases from ESMC. To get in contact with any of the chairmen of the ESMC board or ask for comments on the latest press release:
The World economic Forum outlines the dilemma in Finance in Europe and how to bridge the gap:
“Policy makers need to recognise how many renewable energy jobs can be created along each segment of the value chain, so they can design green recovery programmes that maximise regional and national value creation. From project planning and development to the manufacturing of equipment and components, from construction and installation…
Several times postponed now life with an interesting Online on the 14th and 15th July Program with several energy and digitalisation topics: Future minded like the real show in Hannover:
Intersolar trade show will do a 2 days online event 14th and 15th JulyProgram:
Dear friends of European Solar Manufacturing ! In recent weeks we are moving slowly back to “normal” Tuesday 23rd June we had the opportunity to meet again in Brussels with HQ-team to discuss “in real” next ESMC-steps.Yesterday 8th July, we had a gathering between important European PV Industry stakeholders, presenting the results…
The Joint Initiative to promote Solar Manufacturing in Brussels The first event took place this 8th of July the Solar Manufacturing Accelerator(SoMA), the joint initiative by ETIP-PV, SolarPower Europe (SPE), IPVF (Solar Europe Now), VDMA and ESMC, initiated by SPE brought together an important number of Industry-ready European Initiatives. Important and very positive…
Position of the European Solar Manufacturing Council on: European Commission’s Preparatory study for solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems, considering Ecodesign, Energy Label, EU Ecolabel, EU Green Public Procurement. The European Solar Manufacturing Council The European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) is a new organisation aiming at representing the interests of…
In ihrer Bewerbungsrede sprach sich Ursula von der Leyen für eine ambitionierte Klimapolitik aus. Die Photovoltaik- und Erneuerbaren-Branche in Deutschland und Europa regierte positiv, will nun aber auch Taten sehen. Die Grünen halten die in Aussicht gestellten Klimaschutzpläne dagegen für unzureichend. Am Dienstagabend hat das EU-Parlament in Straßburg die bisherige…
The former director of Fraunhofer ISE will be officially elected at a general assembly planned for September. The ESCM wants a strong Europe to be part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and also pay attention to sustainability. The board of the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) has appointed Eicke Weber as provisional…
EU 2019-2024 Legislative Policy Cycle The solar industry promotes Industry 4.S – with “s” for sustainability! European solar manufacturers, equipment producers and R&D institutes claim for uniting climate protection and industrial politics in the EU. “Voters in Europe are clearly concerned about the issue of climate change, but found the…